woensdag 26 september 2012

Help Tips For Those Who Have To Battle With Acne

If you feel as if you are covered in pimples and black heads, then this article is perfect for you. There are many people that have acne problems. Here is a good site to learn about acne.


Know what foods you are eating. Junk foods will make it harder for your body to fight acne infections. Try to eat less high-fat and sugar-filled foods. Swap them out for lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. Doing all these things will make it possible for your body to work properly.


Many people do not realize how important hydration is. Don't believe the hype about sodas being thirst quenching, and keep in mind that they are brimming with caffeine and sugar. These drinks do not satisfy your thirst, and they do not keep you hydrated.  Water is the key ingredient to keeping your body hydrated, so drink it as much as possible. Homemade juices can satisfy a sweet tooth in a much healthier way than sodas. Invest in a juicer if you don't already have one, and find out how simple it is to prepare fresh juice with your favorite fruits and vegetables. You will get more vitamins and minerals with fresh juice prepared from home, rather than juice from the grocery store. And it helps make your skin healthier as well.


Harsh chemicals dry and crack your skin, so avoid them if possible. Cleansers that contain harsh chemicals can make acne worse. Cleansers with all-natural ingredients like tea tree oil are much better for your skin than over-the-counter cleansers with harsh chemicals.


Another home remedy for killing the bacteria found in pimples is garlic. Using a garlic press, just crush several garlic cloves and apply to the pimples. Stay clear of your eyes to prevent stinging from the garlic. Garlic will hurt open sores, but it does an excellent job of removing any infections that are inside or on the surface of your skin. Make sure you rinse and dry your skin throughly shortly after applying the garlic.

Clay Mask

To tighten up your pores, you can apply a clay mask once a week. This mask will soak up the excess oil in your skin. Make sure that the mask dries properly, and then carefully rinse it off. Once you have gently patted your skin dry, wipe away any left over clay with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel.


An often overlooked part of skin care is to lower the amount of stress in your life. Too much stress has a very negative effect on your body, making it especially hard for your body to battle infections. Try to lessen stress so your body can deal with skin threats.

Your skin will show great improvements if you start incorporating these ideas in to your skincare routine. Your skin will stay clean and healthy if you continue a regular cleansing schedule. It is important to clean your skin twice a day to deal with your acne